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Using Useful Display Functions

You can display the multiple photos at once, specify the date (last modified date of data) to select photos, and switch the photo group.

Tap triangle on the photo selection screen to select the display menu.

Viewing Multiple Photos to Select Photo

The multiple display screen is displayed by selecting multiple display on the photo selection screen.

Photo multiple display screen
  • A: When the photo you want to print is selected, the touch screen returns to single photo display.

  • B: Select to display photo with specifying the date.

  • C: Select to increase the display photos. (54 photos display)

  • D: Drag to switch the number of display photos to 6 photos, 15 photos, or 54 photos.

  • E: Select to decrease the display photos. (6 photos display)

Specifying Date to Select Photo

The date specification screen is displayed by selecting date on the photo selection screen.

Flick horizontally to switch the date (update date of photo data).

The photos on date specified are displayed.

You can also select the date by tapping left or right.


  • The date is displayed according to the settings of Date display format in Other printer settings under Printer settings.

Zooming in on Photo

The enlarged display screen is displayed by selecting zoom on the photo selection screen.

Enlarged screen
  • F: Select to switch the display magnification.

  • G: Drag to move the display position.

Switching Photo Group


  • If more than 2,000 photo data are saved on the USB flash drive, the photo data is split by group per 2,000 photos in reverse chronological order (date last modified) automatically.

The group switching screen is displayed by selecting switch group on the photo selection screen.

Display group switching screen
  • H: Select to switch the photo group.